BIOPH Option $4.49
:: BIOPH Option $4.49
:: Assembly
Page -
Tode-RC .BD241S
Hardware Development
Arduino-Mega UI + Ebyte T20/30db RF
TGit-Tech [ http://www.TGit-Tech.com
Tode-RC Model# BD241S / Last Updated: 2025-01-12
1.Table of Contents
2.Tode-RC $33.57
2.1Keypad Assembly PCB.231Q $4.94
A.Parts $3.25
B.Supplies $1.34
(1) 1x8P Male Pin Header PCB-J1, Dupont 2.54mm-Pitch Cut from 40-Pin Male Pin Header $0.01/pin = $0.08 |
(6) 6x6-7mm Push Buttons PCB-SW(1-6) DIP-4 Tacticle Through-Hole $0.15/ea = $0.90 |
(1) 47K 0805 SMT Resistors PCB-R7 $0.01/ea = $0.01 |
(1) 3mm Green LED PCB-D1 $0.05/ea = $0.05 |
(2) M2x0.4-8 Flat Phillips Machine Screw & Nut Display & Keypad to Cover $0.10/pair = $0.20
(1) M2x0.04–20mm Machine Screw Used as Heating stem ONLY $0.10/ea = $0.10
C.3D-Prints $0.35
Folder: .\Tode-RC\BD241S\3DPrints\stl\BD241S.3DDispKB.24CM.stl
Layer Height: 0.2mm
Infill Density: 100%
Supports: OFF
Plastic: 15-grams @ $0.02/g = $0.30
Printer-use: @ $0.0015/g = $0.0225
Power: 2h 29m @ $0.01/hr = $0.0248
2.1.2Schematic & Layout
D1 = 3mm Round Green LED
R7 = 47Kohm 0805 SMT Resitor
- 5V/47K = 0.1mA LED current.
SW(1–6) = 6x6x7mm Tactical Switches
2.1.3PCB Assembly
2.1.4Keypad Case
2.2Arduino Assembly $12.76
A.Parts $12.37
Arduino Mega Pro Mini [ATmega2560]
Size: 38Wx55Lmm
Power In: 6Vdc to 9Vdc ( Peek 18Vdc )
Power Out: 5Vdc @ 800mA + 3Vdc @ 800mA
Load Amps: 5Vdc @ 220mA
IO-Pins: 54-Digital, 16-Analog
Memory: 256kb RAM, 4kb EEPROM
Temp Rng: -40C to 85C
24CM-Pricing: $12.05/each
Web @ https://robotdyn.com/mega-2560-pro-embed-ch340g-atmega2560-16au.html
B.Supplies $0.20
(2) M2.5x0.45 x 8mm Phillips-Flat Machine Screws & Nuts $0.32
Attaches Arduino Mega Pro Mini to 3D Casing
24CM-Pricing: (2) Screws @ $0.08/ea
24CM-Pricing: (2) Nuts @ $0.08/ea
C.3D Prints $0.39
ALL-AMPCenter.stl Folder: \All-3DPrints\stl
PLA Filament: 17g @ $0.02/g = $0.34 Printer-use: 17g @ $0.0015/g = $0.0255 Power: 2h 23m @ $0.01/hr = $0.025
TOTAL COST: $0.39 |
2.2.2Arduino Shell
2.3Ebyte-RF Assembly PCB.BD241S $15.87
A.Parts $14.44
(1) BD241S PCB (Back-plane)
File Location: \Tode-RC\BD241S\kicad
Manufacturer: jlcpcb.com
Batch Price: $46.11 per 75
Pricing: $0.61/ea = $0.61
(1) CN3903 DC-DC Buck Step-Down Board 5V@3A
Voltage: 5Vdc to 30Vdc Input to 5Vdc Output
Size: 17.5mm x 12mm x 4.3mm (LWH)
Max Output: 3A
24CM-Pricing: (10pcs) $7.99 = $0.80
(1) Ebyte Radio (Various T20D/T30D Options)
Website: https://www.cdebyte.com/Module-Lora
(1) SMA Aerial Antenna (Various Options)
Omni 6cm 2dbi: $1.09/ea
Omni-folding 11cm 3dbi: $1.04/ea
Omni-folding 19cm 6dbi: $2.26/ea
Estimated Price $2.26/ea
B.Supplies $1.06
(1) 2x7P Pin Socket Dupont 2.54mm-Pitch Backplane PCB $0.18/ea = $0.13 |
(1) 2x8P LONG-Lead Socket Dupont 2.54mm-Pitch Keypad & Display Connect $0.15/ea = $0.15 |
(1) 2x4P Pin Socket Dupont 2.54mm-Pitch Radio, Buttons & IO $0.17/ea = $0.17 |
(1) 1x4P Pin Header Dupont 2.54mm-Pitch Radio Ground Stubs $0.01/pin (from 40-pin cut) = $0.04 |
(1) 2x3P Pin Socket Dupont 2.54mm Pitch ICSP and Power $0.10/ea = $0.12 |
(4) 1x1P Pin Header Dupont 2.54mm-Pitch Radio Ground Stubs $0.01/pin (from 40-pin cut) = $0.04 |
(2) #2-1/4” Screw PCB to Casing Phillips-Flat Sheet Metal Screw $0.10/each = $0.20 |
(2) 5.5x2.1-9mm DC Barrel Jack PCB Female PCB Mount 3-Terminal, 9mm Connector Depth. $0.08/ea = $0.16 |
(1) 2.2KΩ 0805 SMT Resistor PCB-R3 $0.01/ea = $0.01 |
(2) 4.7KΩ 0805 SMT Resistors PCB-R1 & R2 $0.01/ea = $0.02 |
(2) 10Ω 0805 SMT Resistors PCB-R4 & R5 $0.01/ea = $0.02 |
C.3D-Prints $0.37
Folder: \BD241S\3DPrints\stl
PLA Filament: 16g @ $0.02/g = $0.32
Printer Use: 16g @ $0.0015/g = $0.024
Power: 2h 36m @ $0.01/hr = $0.025
2.3.2Schematic & Layout
J1 – Arduino PWR – 2x3P Socket
J2 – Arduino ICSP – 2x3P Socket
J3 – Generic Test-Points
J4 – Ebyte T30D Radio Connections
J5 – DispKB Connections
J6 – PWR Test-Points
J7 – Arduino Radio, Key, TFT Connections
J8 – Input Barrel Jack (7-30Vdc)
J9 – Output Barrel Jack (5Vdc)
J10, J11, J12, J13 – CN3903 Power Supply
J14 – Ebyte T20D Radio Connections
R1,R2 - 4.7KΩ Rx,Tx Resistors
R3 – 2.2KΩ Arduino D13 Pull-up on OK keypad.
R4,R5 – 10Ω Jumpers
2.3.3Radio-PCB Assembly
2.4Final Assembly $1.23
A.Supplies $1.23
(4) #2 x 3/8” Screws
Display to Center
Phillips-Pan Sheet Metal Screw
$0.10/ea = $0.40
Aluminum Foil
Approximately 1/2sqft
$0.06/sqft = $0.03
(4) #2 x 1/2” Screw
Backplane to Center
Phillips-Flat Sheet Metal Screw
Sheet Metal Screw
Price $0.06/ea = $0.24
2-Inch Clear Packing Tape
Aluminum Foil Insulation

2.4.3Casing Assembly
3.Battery-Tray Option $3.00
A.Supplies $2.06
(1) 5.5x2.1mm Barrel Plug
9mm Insert (!NO Longer!)
$0.11/ea = $0.11
(1) 9V Battery Clip
Hard Plastic Side-Exit Wires
$0.35/ea = $0.35
(2) #4 x 3/4” Screws
Barrel Plug Clamp
Phillips-Pan Sheet Metal Screw
$0.10/ea = $0.20
(1) KCD11 3A Rocker Switch
SPST 10x15mm
$0.10/ea = $0.10
(1) #4 x 3/8” Screw
Battery Cover
Phillips-Flat Sheet Metal Screw
$0.10/ea = $0.10
(Optional) Belt Clip
55(2.6”)x25(0.98”)mm Metal
0.25” hole spacing (3mm dia)
$0.80/ea = $0.80
(2) M2.5x0.45 – 5mm Flat
Belt Clamp
Phillips-Pan Machine Screw
$0.20/ea = $0.40
B.3D-Prints $0.94
File: 9V1W.3DTray.24CV.stl
Folder: .\Tode-9V-Batt\1W\3DPrints
Layer Height: 0.2mm
Infill Density: 100%
Supports: OFF
Plastic: 32-grams @ $0.02/g = $0.64
Printer-use: @ $0.0015/g = $0.048
Power: 4h 48m @ $0.01/hr = $0.047
TOTAL COST: $0.735
File: 9V1W.3DClamp.24CS.stl
Folder: \Tode-9V-Batt\1W\3DPrints
Layer Height: 0.2mm
Infill Density: 100%
Supports: OFF
Plastic: 3-grams @ $0.02/g = $0.06
Printer-use: @ $0.0015/g = $0.0045
Power: 0h 42m @ $0.01/hr = $0.007
TOTAL COST: $0.0715
File: 9V1W.3DCover.24CS.stl
Folder: \Tode-9V-Batt\1W\3DPrints
Layer Height: 0.2mm
Infill Density: 100%
Supports: OFF
Plastic: 6-grams @ $0.02/g = $0.12
Printer-use: @ $0.0015/g = $0.009
Power: 0h 48m @ $0.01/hr = $0.008
TOTAL COST: $0.137
Prepare 9V Battery Clip
Strip, Clamp and Solder the black wire to the Barrel Plugs long lead. |
Solder the Battery Clip Red wire to one of the rocker switches terminal.
Solder the piece of 50mm Red wire (3.) to the other switches terminal on one end and the Barrel plug short lead. to the other end. Putting the switch in the Red wires path as shown. |
Route the Barrel Plug and Battery Clip through the switch hole and push the switch into the casing.
Put the barrel plug in the casing and route wires as shown. |
Using (2) #4 - 3/4” Phillips-Flat Screws attach the Clamp to hold the Barrel Plug into place.
Clip on a battery and stuff the wires in the pocket over the switch.
Install the |
Using (1) #4 – 3/8” Phillips-Flat Screw attach the Cover over the battery. |
4.BIOPH Option $4.49
4.1.1Materials $3.67
A.Parts $0.93
IO-Access 23BF PCB
Design Software: Kicad
Folder: \Tode-IO\Tode-BIO\kicad\IO-ACCESS\SIOST
Manufacturer: jlcpcb.com
Batch Price: $46.43 per 50
Pricing: $0.93/ea
B.Supplies $1.14
(2) 2x40P Male Pin Header
Dupont 2.54mm-Pitch
PCB Pin-Header Array
@$0.21/ea = $0.42
(2) 1x16P Long Leg Socket
Dupont 2.54mm-pitch
PCB Analog-IO Tode-Side
@0.17/ea = $0.34
– OR –
(2) 2x8P Long Leg Sockets
@0.15/ea = $0.30
(1) 2x3P Long Leg Socket
Dupont 2.54mm-pitch
PCB Digital-IO Tode-Side
@0.12/ea = $0.12
(1) 2x4P Long Leg Socket
Dupont 2.54mm-pitch
PCB Digital-IO Tode-Side
@0.14/ea = $0.14
(4) #4 x 3/8”Phillips-Flat Screw
Front-Side to Back-Side
$0.03/ea = $0.12
C.3D-Prints $0.78
Folder: ./Tode-IO-Options/Side-IO Commercial Box/3DPrints/stl
Layer Height: 0.2mm
Infill Density: 100%
Supports: OFF
Plastic: 9-grams @ $0.02/g = $0.18
Printer-use: @ $0.0015/g = $0.0135
Power: 1h 43m @ $0.01/hr = $0.0175
Folder: ./Tode-IO-Options/Side-IO Commercial Box/3DPrints/stl
Layer Height: 0.2mm
Infill Density: 100%
Supports: OFF
Plastic: 25-grams @ $0.02/g = $0.50
Printer-use: @ $0.0015/g = $0.0375
Power: 3h 07m @ $0.01/hr = $0.03
4.1.2DIN-Mount Materials $0.82
A.Parts $0.66
(2) DIN Mount Brackets
DRG-01 for 35 x 7.5mm DIN Rail
Pricing: $0.33/ea = $0.66
B.Supplies $0.16
(4) #4 x 5/8”Phillips-Flat Screw
$0.04/ea = $0.16